To comply with the Disability Discrimination Act in force it is essential that all relevant businesses ensure they have the necessary facilities in place. The required ‘reasonable adjustments’ to service providers’ premises affect companies offering goods, facilities or services. The requirements include the provision of auxiliary aids to help a person with hearing difficulties, and other means to supply the needs of people with disabilities. Here are some of the systems you can use to fulfill your obligations:
- Loop Induction – An induction loop system helps people with hearing difficulties. Users with a hearing aid or loop listener hear sounds more clearly because it reduces or cuts out background noise. Induction Loop systems are easy to install and offer top quality sound. Places that are required to have a loop induction system include public utility companies, leisure centres, bus and train stations, shops, hairdressers, hotels, restaurants, cinemas, pubs, hospitals, clinics, courts and places of worship.
- Assisted Toilet Alarms – These allow a person to call for assistance when required. There are two types of alarm:
- Wired – Wired systems are designed to provide a reliable and easy to use method of calling for assistance.
- Radio – This system is easy to install, with no wiring required. A pull cord unit and a remote indicator are both operated by standalone battery units.
Alarm kit (367Kb)
Data sheet (371Kb)
Alarm System (460Kb)
- Refuge Alarm – A communication system designed especially for use within a building with Refuge Areas, which are specifically designed areas for those who cannot use fire escapes to remain safely until help arrives. A Refuge Alarm alerts the fire officer (or relevant person) to the presence of a person with disabilities and allows contact with the refuge areas throughout an emergency.
Full product and price lists are available on request.